Glossary Element  biopiracy

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English term biopiracy
Language Translations
French Bio-piraterie
English definition bioprospecting regarded as the perpetuation of the colonial habit of plundering other countries' biological resources without fair and equitable compensation, resulting in environmental, economic and social detriment  (ref.: K. ten Kate, 1995. Biopiracy or Green Petroleum? Expectations & Best Practice in Bioprospecting. - Overseas Development Administration, Environment Policy Department, London).
Language Translations
French bio-prospection vue comme une perpétuation du comportement colonialiste visant à piller les ressources biologiques des autres pays sans compensation juste et équitable et causant des détriments environnementaux, économiques et sociaux. (ref.: K. ten Kate, 1995. Biopiracy or Green Petroleum? Expectations & Best Practice in Bioprospecting. - Overseas Development Administration, Environment Policy Department, London).