Glossary Element  eutrophication

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English term eutrophication
Language Translations
French eutrophisation
English definition - nutrient enrichment, typically in the form of nitrates and phosphates, often from human sources such as agriculture, sewage, and urban runoff. - process by which a lake, a river, part of a sea, etc. is enriched with nitrates, phosphates and other nutrients which favour the growth of algae and often kill other organisms by lack of oxygen. [JVG]
Language Translations
French - enrichissement en nutritif, typiquement sous formes de nitrates et de phosphates, souvent d’origine humaine comme l’agriculture, les eaux usées et les rejets urbains; - processus par lequel un lac, une rivière, une portion de mer, etc., est enrichi en nitrates, phosphates et autres nutritifs qui favorisent la croissance d’algues