Decennie des Nations Unies pour la Biodiversite

Event Réunion de travail des coordonnateurs de données et informations de l'ASCLME : 9 au 13 février 2009

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Period [09/02/2009 - 13/02/2009]
Event location South Africa
Host ASCLME Project
Contact person Dr David Vousden
Email address:
Phone: +27 46 636 2984
Fax: +27 46 622 6621
Geographical coverage Régional
Keywords ASCLME

Data and Information Coordinator of each Party for the ASCLME project are invited to a meeting from 9 to 13 february 2009, in South Africa

Objectives of the working meeting, in follow up to the Mauritius Regional Meeting of ASCLME Technical Coordination Groups, will be to :

  1. Review the draft ASCLME regional data and information plan
  2. Review and revise draft national data and information plans
  3. Review the Nansen cruise data inventory
  4. Review and revise Terms of Reference for D&I members of the ASCLME COG
  5. Finalise the work plan and deliverable dates for national MEDAs (2009)
  6. Finalise Terms of Reference for specialist input into the national MEDAs
  7. Review Terms of Reference of ASCLME project activities to ensure their incorporation and alignment with MEDA process
  8. Reviex data-related reports for the next ASCLME Steering Committee meeting
  9. Prepare or reviw methods for synthesis of information for the MEDAs
  10. Provide input into the design and content of data and information-related sections of the ASCLME website
  11. Review ad complete the ASCLME request for data repatriation to countries of the Western Indian Ocean