Réunion de travail des coordonnateurs de données et informations de l'ASCLME : 9 au 13 février 2009
Period | [09/02/2009 - 13/02/2009] |
Event location | South Africa |
Host | ASCLME Project |
Contact person |
Dr David Vousden
Email address: info@asclme.org Phone: +27 46 636 2984 Fax: +27 46 622 6621 |
Geographical coverage | Régional |
Keywords | ASCLME |
Data and Information Coordinator of each Party for the ASCLME project are invited to a meeting from 9 to 13 february 2009, in South Africa
Objectives of the working meeting, in follow up to the Mauritius Regional Meeting of ASCLME Technical Coordination Groups, will be to :
- Review the draft ASCLME regional data and information plan
- Review and revise draft national data and information plans
- Review the Nansen cruise data inventory
- Review and revise Terms of Reference for D&I members of the ASCLME COG
- Finalise the work plan and deliverable dates for national MEDAs (2009)
- Finalise Terms of Reference for specialist input into the national MEDAs
- Review Terms of Reference of ASCLME project activities to ensure their incorporation and alignment with MEDA process
- Reviex data-related reports for the next ASCLME Steering Committee meeting
- Prepare or reviw methods for synthesis of information for the MEDAs
- Provide input into the design and content of data and information-related sections of the ASCLME website
- Review ad complete the ASCLME request for data repatriation to countries of the Western Indian Ocean