Decennie des Nations Unies pour la Biodiversite

Folder Mutually supportive implementation of the Plant Treaty and the Nagoya Protocol in Benin and Madagascar

Bioversity International is working with the Access and Benefit-Sharing (ABS) Capacity Development Initiative, the secretariats of the CBD and ITPGRFA, the African Union Commission, and with partners and stakeholders in Benin and Madagascar, to develop ABS laws and agreements that contribute to pro-poor rural development and offset the cost of conserving genetic resources. This research is conducted with the support of the Darwin Initiative – a UK Government funding programme.

URL Atelier de lancement officiel du projet en 2014
URL Lien vers le siteweb du projet
URL Summary Field Report: Darwin Initiative’s project on Mutually supportive implementation of ABS in Antavolobe and Analavory, Madagascar, 25th to 30th July, 2016