HTML Document Liste des experts de la flore de Madagascar

Les espèces végétales, notamment celles qui sont endémiques de Madagascar font l'objet d'études et de recherche. La liste ci-dessous permet de voir les experts qui contribuent à la connaissance des espèces végétales de Madagascar

Release date 31/08/2010
Geographical coverage Madagascar
Keywords Experts, espèces végétales

Institution Nom          Domaines d'expertise
MBG / WLBC Wendy Applequist, Ph.D.

Authentication, taxonomy, conservation, and chemical variability of medicinal plants
conducts systematic studies of endemic plants of Madagascar

MBG / WLBC Armand Randrianasolo, Ph.D. Authority on the flora of Madagascar, particularly members of the cashew family, Anacardiaceae
Alyse Rothrock Kuhlman Manages the DNA Bank, organizes the ICBG Madagascar collection in the herbarium, and coordinates the Madagascar Ethnobotany program with the MBG-Antananaraivo office. Through the Madagascar Ethnobotany program, Alyse supports graduate students from the Univ. of Madagascar in ethnobotanical field training. She is interested in the use of plants in traditional medicine and home gardens, small scale agriculture, and food recipes.
 MBG / WLBC Fortunat Rakotoarivony

Manages the WLBC’s project at Ambalabe, Madagascar. He also facilitates good relations between MBG, local government, and partner organizations. Fortunat also supervises local students studying ethnobotany.
Contact :

 Lucien Rasoaviety coordinates all the field work for the Ambalabe project in Madagascar and maintains the WLBC's good relationship with the community and others working at the site
MBG / WLBC  Aina Razanatsima field botanist monitoring the permanent plot in Ambalabe forest and conducting the plant inventory

MBG / Chercheur

Peter B. Phillipson
 Flora of Africa and Madagascar - Development of online taxonomic resources - Systematics of Lobeliaceae and Cyhenaceae - Systematics of Lamiaceae - Plant ecology and conservation
MBG / Chercheur
Gordon McPherson
Euphorbiaceae of Madagascar - Flora of New Caledonia, Gabon and Panama - Checklist of the Fortuna Watershed Chiriqui / Panama and Lope - Okanda Reserve / Gabon
MBG / Chercheur
Zachary S. Rogers
Flora of Madagascar - Thymelaeaceae - Weinnmania (Cunnoniaceae) - Species modeling and Geographic Information System
MBG / Chercheur
Martin Callmander
Inventory and systematics of the malagasy flora (Bignoniaceae, Sapindaceae, Pandanaceae) -Biogeography of the western Indian Ocean using ecological, molecular and systematic tools - using botanical data to evaluate endemism and better conserve the ramining forests in this biodiversity hotspot
 MBG / Chercheur
Pete Lowry
 Systematics of Araliaceae - flora and vegetation of Madagascar and New Caledonia - Application of taxonomic information to conservation planning and management
 MBG / Chercheur
George Schatz Systematics of Annonaceae - flora and vegetation of Madagascar - Plant conservation assessment - species distribution modelling under future climate scenarios